Corporate Governance

Trying to move your business forward while maintaining best practices in corporate governance can result in legal projects and responsibilities being overlooked as other pressing matters compete for your attention. Our legal specialists will fully manage all corporate governance requirements from drafting annual board minutes and consents to stock ledgers and capitalization tables.

Understanding the
Corporate Transparency Act

As someone with decision-making and legal responsibilities in your company you may well feel at a loss as to where to start when it comes to complying with these new regulations. Agile Legal is here to simplify the compliance process and keep you compliant by managing the whole process of meeting the CTA’s requirements.

In order to be compliant with the CTA’s regulations, you must first determine if any of your entities fall under one of the 23 exemptions. For any non-exempt companies, you then need to report your beneficial owners or employees with substantial control over the business. While you may be hesitant to release your personal identifying information, compliance with these requirements will protect your business from harsh fine and penalties.

Agile Legal’s team of attorneys, certified AML professionals, and senior paralegals have studied the new law extensively. We’ve designed a system so we can keep our clients compliant with the CTA’s regulations.

How Agile legal keeps you compliant infographic

Need More Information About the Corporate Transparency Act?

Don't Expose Yourself to Unnecessary Risk

Missed Deadlines

Disorganization during the planning process can lead to missed deadlines, sending your progress backwards.

Delayed Entry

Non-compliance and unfamiliarity with local regulations may delay your entry into a country, sacrificing your time and money.

Unsuccessful Projects

These and countless other disruptions hinder the success of your projects and complicate meeting performance goals.

Common Problems When Managing Global Subsidiaries

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Delays in entering a country are stressful and can impact the bottom line of your business.

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Language, informational, and political barriers make the process of expansion frustrating.

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Lack of local expertise shouldn't hold you back from managing global subsidiaries.

You Can't Afford To Put Your Business On Hold To Manage Your Governing Documents

We understand the hoops a business has to jump through to meet best practices in corporate governance and how easy it is to get behind with your corporate governance and documentation. Our corporate legal specialists deal with corporate governance projects everyday for all types of corporate entities and will meet your deadlines punctually and efficiently.

Avoid Tedious Management of Corporate Governance

Mismanaged and disorganized corporate governance documents and projects can cause you to forget what's really important – mitigating your business' risk.

The daily grind of competing legal priorities can easily result in missing deadlines for mandatory board meetings or other State and federal requirements.

One-off, large projects relating to capitalization campaigns or corporate restructurings can overwhelm the capacity of an otherwise capable legal department.

agile legal project manager graph
  • Missed deadlines
  • Errors in documents & filings
  • Wasted time
  • Non-compliance
  • Penalties & fees
  • Sued by state government
  • Panic with last minute legal problems
  • Disruption to your business
  • Lack of funding

Your Risk Without Effective Corporate Governance

Managed Services For Corporate Transparency Act Compliance

Policy Creation
  • Reporting
  • Changes
  • Monitoring
  • Communication
BOIR Preparation
  • Help verify Beneficial Owner information
Beneficial Owner Identification
  • Identify and document Beneficial Owners
    by interest and substantial control
Reporting Company Exemption Analysis
  • Review company records & entity charts
  • Document exemption status by Reporting Company
  • Monitoring
  • Communication
BOIR Filing and Monitoring
  • File BOIR with FinCEN, filing updates as needed
  • Monitor changes to:
    • Beneficial Owners
    • Reporting Company
    • FinCEN and CTA laws and rules

Managed CTA Compliance – Enterprise

  • Help verify Beneficial Owner information
  • File BOIR with FinCEN, filing updates as needed
  • Monitor changes to:
    • Beneficial Owners
    • Reporting Company
    • FinCEN and CTA laws and rules

Managed CTA
Compliance  – Lite

  • Prepare minute books, consents & resolutions
  • Schedule & call board meetings
  • Prepare annual reports
  • Draft, review and red-line corporate by-laws
  • Provide certified charters
  • Prepare and file Apostilles & legalization documents
  • DBA name renewals
  • Business license renewals
  • Good-standing certificates
  • Prepare and execute status checks

Corporate Records & Governing Documents

  • Prepare and manage stock ledgers
  • Maintain and print additional stock certificates
  • Draft stockholder purchase agreements and stock transfer powers
  • Administer stock subscription agreements
  • Prepare and file File 83(b) elections

Stock Issuance & Ownership

  • Draft incorporation/formation documents including indemnification of officers, directors, managers and/or members
  • Prepare bylaws or operating agreements
  • Preparation and managing of minute books

Incorporations & Formations

Global Subsidiary Management Tiers

Essential premium and enterprise feature table

To simplify your entity management, Agile Legal has designed tiers that package our management services, making it easier for our clients to get the help they need.

Not Sure What Services You'll Need?

Contact our international team and we can advise what tier is best for you.

Where We Can Assist With Global
Subsidiary Management

We have extensive country coverage across the globe

world map

This map shows the countries where Agile Legal currently manages entities. These countries are categorized either as Band A or Band B. These bands are based upon the differing levels of complexity of corporate compliance for entities in those countries.

Band A countries have fewer and less complicated regulations for entities than countries in band B. This often correlates with whether a country has a civil law or a common law legal system. Countries with civil law systems tend to be more bureaucratic and stringent with compliance, requiring more work and expertise.

Learn more about the impact of common law and civil law legal systems on global subsidiary management in our blog article.

Looking to Dissolve a Global Subsidiary or Branch?

Agile Legal provides cost-effective and timely rationalization services to help you dissolve underperforming subsidiaries and branches. Check out our International Services page to learn more.

How the Corporate Transparency Act Affects
Formations & Dissolutions

The CTA affects a wide range of fields, and formations and dissolutions are no exception. While the CTA is still in its infancy and will likely be changing as 2024 progresses, these infographics demonstrate how the current state of the CTA affects corporate formations and dissolutions.

how the corporate transparency act affects formations infographichow the corporate transparency act affects dissolutions infographic

Unsure Where to Start with International Support?

Use our contact us page to get in touch with us to see if working with the international team is a good fit for you.

Need International Support?

We have extensive country coverage across the globe

Contract Clause Library

Concerned about your knowledge of different contract definitions?

View our contract clause library to stay up to date with the terminology you should be using in your contracts.

Client Testimonial

Our Process

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Follow Up Call

We will arrange a time to speak to you about getting the help you need.

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You will get the services you need.


Have Outstanding Questions About the CTA?

Agile Legal’s team of CTA experts are ready at your disposal to answer any questions you may have about the CTA and its compliance requirements. Book a meeting with us to get 1:1 support from our compliance professionals.

Corporate Governance Services

Every day companies juggle business priorities with corporate governance requirements. Overwhelming priorities can lead to ‘lesser’ responsibilities slipping through the cracks and end up as more significant liabilities. Your time shouldn’t be taken up by preparing minute books or stock issuances and ledgers when you need to manage the legal risk for an entire company. Agile Legal’s corporate governance team manages a diverse range of services and is ready to take on your governance projects at anytime. Stop being stressed out from being stretched too thin by managing multiple high-volume projects at once. Let Agile take the reins of your governance duties and we guarantee all compliance needs will be turned in punctually and correctly, so you can meet your deadlines and stay compliant.

Looking to dissolve a foreign entity?

Check out our rationalization services.